Do you use the same laundry detergent your mother did? If not, did you find your own? Do you always buy the same kind? If so, this is brand loyalty. No matter which store you are in you will look for that brand first. Sometimes you might even be so committed that you would go to several stores just to find that brand.
How does a brand inspire such loyalty? By how they make you feel and how the product itself performs. Does the smell trigger fond memories of your mother? Does the label make you feel like you can take on the world or at least that stain from your kid's latest food-art?
Brands must stay consistent. When you love someone and you feel that they love you as you deserve - do they often do the same things for you? Like bring you coffee in bed, leave you notes or give you hugs when you need them the most? Branding needs to do the same.
Across social media platforms, each and every one, your brand needs to look-and-feel the same. Your brand needs to perform with the same consistency as your product or service. Let's consider some famous brands for a moment. Nike. Apple. Coca-Cola. Huge brands, right?
Now, think smaller. More local. Your favorite box store? What about a boutique downtown? Favorite place to eat or grab a beer? What do each of the brands have in common? Probably a nice logo, clear motto and messaging. Anyone, no matter how big or small their brand is, can afford to be consistent.
If you don't know what your brand is, a branding consultant can help you figure that out. Through working with a designer, a branding consultant can move you forward and develop the look-and-feel of your business to suit your product or service.
Once you've locked in the design, the next step is populating that look-and-feel across your website and social media platforms. Want to learn how you rate for consistency? Contact me today for your online audit and let me help get your business to the next level.